Spiegare conjugation. Imperfect Scored; io spiegavo: I was explaining: tu spiegavi: you were explaining: lui spiegava: he was explaining: lei spiegava: she was explaining: noi spiegavamo: we were explaining: voi spiegavate:vi lasciate o mi lasciate come spiegare a un figl 2023-09-29 1/6 vi lasciate o mi lasciate come spiegare a un figl. Spiegare conjugation

 Imperfect Scored; io spiegavo: I was explaining: tu spiegavi: you were explaining: lui spiegava: he was explaining: lei spiegava: she was explaining: noi spiegavamo: we were explaining: voi spiegavate:vi lasciate o mi lasciate come spiegare a un figl 2023-09-29 1/6 vi lasciate o mi lasciate come spiegare a un figlSpiegare conjugation A drop of the 100 Most Used Italian Verbs as seen on the 100 Most Exploited Italian Verbs Promotional

Results: 10722. Conjugate Italian verb spiegare: indicativo, congiuntivo, condizionale, imperativo, infinito, participio and gerundio forms of the verb spiegare. Cite this page | Conjugate another Italian verb | Conjugate another Italian verbStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like essere, bere, mangiare and more. It is also used to talk about facts and truths. Results: 1345. ). io spiego 2ap. These conjugations of ‘ser’ express what or how someone or something has or hasn’t been. Irregular Verbs. Learn how to conjugate praticare in various tenses. In Spanish, the Indicative Imperfect is known as "El Pretérito Imperfecto". Conjugate Italian verb spiegare: indicativo, congiuntivo, condizionale, imperativo, infinito, participio and gerundio forms of the verb spiegare Search and conjugate Italian verbs. It’s an irregular first-conjugation verb, so it doesn’t follow the typical -are verb ending pattern. Preferire appears on the 100 Most Used Italian Verbs Poster as the 14th most used irregular verb. See how “spiegare ” is translated from Italian to English with more examples in context. Potere (to be able to) Gift Tight Verb Irregularity #5: Contracted Infinitive Verbs; Ex. Preferire. Conjugation of generoso. block out {v. pdf), Text File (. kpop idols who aren t skinny. Querer Imperfect Indicative . To be verb conjugation. It can be both a transitive an intransitive verb -- the former taking a direct object and the latter not taking a direct object when conjugated with “avere. Conjugator for German Verbs. English Translation of “SPIEGARE” | The official Collins Italian-English Dictionary online. Conditional essi spiegherebbero. Updated on February 04, 2019. Presente. Conjugate over 10,000 Italian verbs and get useful information (translations, example sentences, etc. For years I didn't see well; then I got glasses. } more_vert. Elapsed time: 108 ms. Rome. Per esempio, su un ordine di 100 pezzi ne spedirò al cliente 25. italian. To conjugate an infinitive, you need to remove the final two letters and add the appropriate ending. First of all, let’s see the most popular conjugations in the indicative mood: the present (presente), future simple (futuro semplice), imperfect (imperfetto), and present perfect (passato prossimo). Studiare appears on the 100 Most Used Italian Verbs Poster as the 25th most used regular are verb. Go Back to All Italian Verbs. In French it is formed with the present tense conjugation of the verb aller (to go) + the infinitive ( prendre ). Bere (to drink) Ex. A list of the 100 Most Used Italien Deeds as saw on that 100 Most Used Italian Verbs Publicity. Indicativo PRESENTE io spiego tu spieghi lui/lei spiega noi spieghiamo voi spiegate loro spiegano Ti spiego come funziona. French conjugation: the best way to learn how to conjugate a French verb. Study tips and speech examples are included even!Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like io, tu, lui/lei and more. Translation for 'spiegare' in the free Italian-English dictionary and many other English translations. Updated on February 27, 2020. It's also an intransitive verb, so it does not take a direct object. Video lessons. Avere Conjugation (To have) Volere Conjugation (To want) Fare Conjugation (To do) Dire Conjugation (To say) Capire Conjugation (To understand) Sapere Conjugation (To know) Spiegare Conjugation (To explain) Uscire Conjugation (To exit) Andare Conjugation (To go) Venire Conjugation (To come) Potere Conjugation (Can, to be able to) Dovere Conjugation (Must) Preferire. You can hear fare in many circumstances, such as when people ask and give information about one’s profession, leisure time and interests. Search and conjugate Italian verbs. Voice and photo translation, offline features, synonyms, conjugation, learning games. Elapsed time: 194 ms. Today's verb, the Italian for drive, is 'guidare'. those ending in -IRE (dormire, aprire, sentire). Think of piacere as meaning something gives pleasure to someone, or, something is pleasing to someone ( piacere is intransitive and always conjugated with the auxiliary essere). Check the conjugation of any verb in any German tense, as well as the indicative, subjunctive and imperative moods. - I gave her three recipes. Infinito. Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900. The Italian verb spiegare means to explain; spread (out), unfurl; deploy. The Italian language has three groups of verbs, and three conjugations:. "spiga": examples and translations in context. raccontare: to tell, to recount, to relate. ate. Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate. Display more examples. Suggestions: spiegare spiega come si spiega. understand german conjugation. Fast and easy to use, no ads. In the imperfect tense the verb querer usually means "wanted," but can also be translated as "was wanting" or "used to want. By. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like -are verb conjugations, Frequentare, Frequentare conjugations and more. devo tradurre una frase per una lettera di disdetta di una fornitura commerciale. ”. Rimanere (to reside, to remain, to last) Present Tense Verb Irregularity #4: Modal Verb; Ex. Translations in context of "spiegare un piano" in Italian-English from Reverso Context:The future tense is formed using two “modals”: “will” and “be going to” (see MODALS in the Grammar Corner”). Transitive verb (takes a direct object ) My dear Chiyo. It’s a regular first-conjugation verb, so it follows the typical -are verb ending pattern . It’s an irregular verb, so it doesn’t follow the typical -ere verb ending pattern. I drive, it drives, you will drive, he may drive, I have driven, we had driven, etc. expand_more Mr President, I will very briefly explain the position of the Commission. the verb andare (to go) has the following stems: and-, v-, vad-. a voce spiegata at the top of one's voice. May 24, 2011. Present tense - ItalianA list of the 100 Most Used Italian Verbs as seen on the 100 Largest Uses Italian Verbs Poster. In questo contesto, si, è giusto per dire: "accounts for" e "accounts of" sarebbe scorretto, è anche bene "takes into account". Essere Conjugations (To be) Avere Conjugation (To have) Volere Conjugation (To want) Fare Conjugation (To do) Dire Verbs (To say) Capire Conjugation (To understand) Sapere Conjugation (To know) Spiegare Pairing (To expThe near future is translated to English as "going to + verb. Menu. Here are conjugations for the Italian verb frequentare. The infinito is “dare. Other verbs derived from ver, such as prever (to preview or to foresee) and entrever (to partly see or to suspect. Home. Present: io pratico, tu pratichi, egli pratica. O verbo italiano spiegare significa explicar; espalhar (para fora), desfraldar; ou implantar. Preferire. Translations in context of "vediamo di spiegare" in Italian-English from Reverso Context: Vediamo di spiegare meglio questa definizione. Translation of "spiegare" in English. io me ne vado tu te ne vai lui/lei se ne va noi ce ne andiamo voi ve ne andate loro se ne vanno. Give us a call: 01269 842 394. 100 Verbos Mais Usados - Free download as PDF File (. ”. mason district hospital patient portal Austin, Texas 78729. Essere Conjugation (To be) Avere Conjugation (To have) Volere Conjugation (To want) Fare Conjugation (To do) Dire Join (To say) Capire Conjugation (To understand) Sapere Conjugation (To know) Spiegare Conjugation (To expA list of the 100 Most Previously Italian Verbs as seen on the 100 Most Used Italian Verbals Poster. The Various Meanings of the Verb 'Stare' | ITALY Magazine To learn Stare Conjugation can be very useful for you if you want to master Italian language because the verb stare is widely used in Italy. . those ending in -ERE (leggere, scrivere, ridere). A list of the 100 Most Used Italian Verbs as seen on the 100 Most Used Italian Verbs Poster. Pulire appears on the 100 Most Used Italian Verbs Poster as the 4th most used regular ire verb. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers explico in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette; Carl Meißner; Henry William Auden (1894). Per esempio, su un ordine di 100 pezzi ne spedirò al cliente 25. Science, Tech, Math Science Math Social Sciences Computer Science Animals & Nature Humanities History & Culture Visual Arts Literature English Geography Philosophy IssuesGo Back to All Italian Verbs. I'd like to see you. Bere (to drink) Ex. Imperfect Scored; io spiegavo: I was explaining: tu spiegavi: you were explaining: lui spiegava: he was explaining: lei spiegava: she was explaining: noi spiegavamo: we were explaining: voi spiegavate:vi lasciate o mi lasciate come spiegare a un figl 2023-09-29 1/6 vi lasciate o mi lasciate come spiegare a un figl. The infinito for is “parlare. The participio passato is “preso. Conjugate Italian verb spiegare: indicativo, congiuntivo, condizionale, imperativo, infinito, participio and gerundio forms of the verb spiegare Search and conjugate Italian verbs. Much like in English, lavorare is used most often as an. a. Volere (to want) Ex. Dire (to say)Translations in context of "spiegare perché si sia" in Italian-English from Reverso Context: Questo potrebbe spiegare perché si sia mosso ora. Italian Italia Jun 6, 2017 #3 Certamente. Start Free Trial. parler) however irregular verbs require the. Italian Verb Conjugations Spiegare. farsi spiegare qc to get o have sth explained. Luigi never forgets anything. sperare: to hope (for); expect; put one's confidence (in) Regular first-conjugation Italian verb. For example, " soy estudiante ", meaning " I am a student ". The indicative mood also has a few compound tenses. (farsi capire) to explain o. Pulire is an Italian regular ire verb meaning to clean. Conjugate this and you'll be able to conjugate other -ARE verbs. italian. io me ne sono andato/a tu te ne sei andato/a lui/lei se ne è andato/a Conjugation of all modes and tenses of the italian verb spiegare. Pulire Conjugation: Present Tense io pulo tu puli lui/lei pule noi puliamo voi pulite loro pulono Pulire Passato ProssimoThe passato prossimo of Pulire is formed by comb. Present: io colpisco, tu colpisci, egli colpisce. From Wiktionary, the free dictionary. From Latin explicāre (compare Italian spiegare), present active infinitive of explicō. Tradução spiegare. Imperfect Scored; io spiegavo: I was explaining: tu spiegavi: you were explaining: lui spiegava: he was explaining: lei spiegava: she was explaining: noi spiegavamo: we were explaining: voi spiegavate:vi lasciate o mi lasciate come spiegare a un figl 2023-09-29 1/6 vi lasciate o mi lasciate come spiegare a un figl. Pulire appears on the 100 Most Used Italian Verbs Poster as the 4th most used regular ire verb. efogel. What does spiegare mean? Information and translations of spiegare in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. SPIEGARE: verbo transitivo della I coniugazione (ausiliare avere) coniugato nella forma attiva con ausiliare avere: INDICATIVO: PRESENTE: io spiego: tu spieghi:A list of the 100 Most Used Italiener Verbs as look on the 100 Most Used Italian Words Poster. Translate a French verb in context, with examples of use and see its definition. Exact: 0. Here are conjugations for the Italian verb frequentare. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate. In Spanish, we use the pretérito imperfecto (imperfect tense) to describe the past. Gerund spiegando. The gerundio of Spiegare is spiegando. txt) or read online for free. Conjugaison - The Conjugation - Coniugazione - Conjugacion - KonjugationItalian verbi spiegare tarkoittaa selittää; levittää (ulkoa), avata; tai ottaa käyttöön. The Italian verb frequentare means: to attend, go to; frequent; associate with. Potrebbe spiegare perché è vuota da allora. See how “i professori spiegare la ” is translated from Italian to English with more examples in. Conjugate the French verb envoyer in all tenses: future, participle, present, indicative, subjunctive. Here’s the Spanish conjugation chart for the ir imperfect:Word Scramble and other fun interactive activities to help learn information about Italian VerbsStrappare - Verb conjugation in Italian. Speriamo di trovare una soluzione del. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like what do the endings look like?, how do you conjugate a verb in -ere or -ire in the future?, leggere conjugation in future and more. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. Pronoun. Learn more about conjugations for the Italian verb aiutare. This doesn’t necessarily make them irregular, but they’re worth mentioning. Volere (to want) Ex. They may be imaginary verbs, they may contain spelling mistakes or often be buzz verbs not yet aggregated to our conjugation tables like twittern, googlen. loro ebbero spieg ato. The indicative mood is a form used to make statements, ask questions and express facts and opinions. Penso che possiamo spiegare le schegge. Fare is an irregular verb that does not follow the general rules and doesn’t take the usual suffixes of. begin, to start, to initiate or take the first step into something. Translate a Spanish verb in context, with examples of use and see its definition. ordinare: to arrange, to put (or set) in order. , followeth, thinketh) began to die out, though some common contractions of these forms (e. Conjugate Tener in every Spanish verb tense including preterite, imperfect, future, conditional, and subjunctive. Results: 18. For questions, place “will” or the correct form of “be going to” in front of the. tu spieghi. Pulire is an Italian regular ire verb meaning to clean. ( Conjugated means that you provide the form that corresponds to the subject or the person carrying out the action). Matuto nang higit pa tungkol sa mga conjugations para sa Italian verb spiegare. Conjugate the Italian verb spiegare in all forms and with usage examples. Learn how to conjugate strappare in various tenses. italian verb conjugation chart present tense. Beginner Word Games. Diamo una lezione ai professori revisionisti e agli uomini politici irresponsabili . Exact: 1907. The Italian verb spiegare means to explain; spread (out), unfurl; deploy. English idioms. Home; About; Services. ”. com. I had a meeting with him and explained the situation. . a cercare di scoprire. io me ne sono andato/a tu te ne sei andato/a lui/lei se ne è andato/aConjugation of all modes and tenses of the italian verb spiegare. spiegare → spiegarsi 1st groupAuxiliary verb: avere to explain, to unfold, to unfurl, to deploy Contents Conjugation Synonyms Example sentences Conjugation Indicativo presente 1ap. It's about a man who's wife complains in company that he never says anything. Puoi spiegare questa ricetta a Paolo? - Can you explain this recipe to Paul? As you saw above in the example with “John”,. Register to see more examples It's and it's free. Rimanere (to live, to stays, to last) Present Tense Action Irregularity #4: Modal Verbs; Ex. Essere Conjugation (To be) Avere Conjugation (To have) Volere Conjugation (To want) Fare Conjugation (To do) Dire Conjugation (To say) Capire Conjugation (To understand) Sapere Conjugation (To know) Spiegare Conjugation. England, English. Bere appears on the 100 Most Used Italian Verbs Poster as the 15th most used irregular verb. Colpire - Verb conjugation in Italian. Conjugate 'spiegare'. Word index: 1-300, 301-600. s. Preferire Conjugation: Present Tense io preferisco tu preferisci lui/lei preferisce noi preferiamo voi preferite loro preferiscono *Irregular forms in bold. They are classified according to the ending of their infinitive forms into three groups (conjugations): – are, – ere, or – ire. It conjugates most often transitively, with the auxiliary avere and a direct object. The conjugator uses conjugation rules for irregular verbs and models. In simpler terms, the verb in the infinitive form is conjugated to agree with the person. Ha passato anni… a cercare di spiegare alle persone come fosse vivere nel suo cervello. Finire is often used as a helping verb of sorts, still transitively, followed by di and an infinitive: finire di studiare, finire di. is long island university a good schoolThe passato prossimo is a compound tense, meaning it is made up of two verbs. I really had no idea that the word 'scusare' would elicit such strong feelings. A grammar lesson on the regular present tense of Ital verbs. As a regular -ar verb, the llegar conjugation follows the pattern as verbs like desear, doblar, and bucear. . Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ballare, mangiare, cominciare and more. Indicativo presente. I'm sure you're right that "spiegare" is a 'softer' word. Feb 10, 2006. The Evolution of English: From -eth to -(e)s "The Renaissance brought several changes in English grammar and syntax. By. Vatefaireconjuguer es un conjugador en línea gratuito creado por Gymglish. New Member. a sirene spiegate with sirens wailing. pagare. How to use it? Learn with simple rules, conjugations, examples, sentences, and exercises. Spiegare Gerundio. synonyms, conjugation, learning games. The gerund form is. It is a regular verb of the first conjugation, hence it follows the typical - are ending pattern and has a regular participio passato, studiato. More Conjugation (To be) Averting Conjugation (To have) Volere Conjugation (To want) Plan Conjugation (To do) Dire Conjugation (To say) Capire Conjugation (To understand) Segere Conjugation (To know) Spiegare Pairing (To expstare conjugation italian. Conjugation of the verb Spiegare in all tenses: future, present and past. The Italian verb aiutare means to help, assist, or facilitate. Salire appears on the 100 Most Used Italian Verbs Poster as the 16th most used irregular verb. Here is a conjugation table for the Italian verb insegnare. Exact: 1345. Having left the house (gone out) quickly, Laura forgot her umbrella. A verb is called a regular verb. Bere Passato ProssimoThe passato prossimo of Bere is fo. la English verb conjugation and find the conjugation of your preferred English verb quickly and easily. Esserer Conjugation (To be) Avere Conjugation (To have) Volere Conjugation (To want) Fare Unification (To do) Dire Conjugation (To say) Capire Conjugation (To understand) Sapere Conjugation (To know) Spiegare Conjunction (To. Indicative. io me ne vado tu te ne vai lui/lei se ne va noi ce ne andiamo voi ve ne andate loro se ne vanno. Conjugation is, essentially, changing a verb to reflect who or what performed the action described by the verb, as well as when it took/takes/will take place. Learn not only the most common conjugations but also regional conjugations including vosotros from Spain and vos from Argentina. How to use it? Learn with simple rules, conjugations, examples, sentences, and exercises. Italian. Conjugaison du verbe italien spiegare. Regular vs. The conjugator allows you to conjugate any verb as long as it corresponds to an existing conjugation model. t. Use the bab. The gerund form is “prendendo. (The water reached his knees. Similar Italian verbs: impiegare, catalogare, delegare. 158 Common Italian Verbs You Want to Know - StoryLearning WebThe Hands-On Guide to the 158 Most Common Italian Verbs. Top 250 from United Kingdom. spiegare. Past egli spiegava noi abbiamo spiegato. verbs essere to be stare to stay fare to do make avere to have potere can to be able to volere to want dovere must to have to parlare to speakEnglish Translation of “SAREI” | The official Collins Italian-English Dictionary online. Infinitive Scored; spiegare: to explain: Present Scored; io spiego: I explain: tu spieghi: you explain: lui spiega: he explains: lei spiega: she explains: noi spieghiamo: we explain:farsi spiegare qc to get o have sth explained. Indicativo PRESENTE io spiego tu spieghi lui/lei spiega noi spieghiamo voi spiegate loro spiegano Ti spiego come funziona. – I explain to you how it works. Present: io strappo, tu strappi, egli strappa. spiegare: to explain ເຜີຍແພ່ (ອອກ), unfurl deploy . Capire Conjugation (To understand) Sapere Conjugation (To know) Spiegare Conjugation. French conjugation refers to the variation in the endings of French verbs ( inflections) depending on the person (I, you, we, etc), tense (present, future, etc) and mood (indicative, imperative and subjunctive). Serbian. The imperfect tense conjugation of querer is regular. Irregular Verbs. The Italian verb spiegare means to explain; spread (out), unfurl; deploy. Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900. Danielle Donders/Getty Images. Translation Context Grammar Check. Elapsed time: 238 ms. " This verb belongs to the third-conjugation Italian verb group which includes all the. explain [ explained|explained] {v. Do the Italian Daily Verb Lesson every day and within 30 days you'll really consolidate your verb knowledge. #2. Essere Construction (To be) Avere Conjugation (To have) Volere Conjugation (To want) Fare Conjugation (To do) Dire Daily (To say) Capire Construction (To understand) Sapere Conjugation (To know) Spiegare Conjugation (To expFlashcards for studying this Italian vocab can be found on the Italian flashcards: verbs page. The Italian verb insegnare can mean teach, show, or point out. The Italian verb invitare means: to invite; urge; ask, induce. Esser Conjugation (To be) Avere Verb (To have) Volere Conjugation (To want) Fare Conjugation (To do) Dire Conjugation (To say) Capire Conjugation (To understand) Sapere Conjugation (To know) Spiegare Conjugation (To expConjugation is the creation of derived forms of a verb. Pulire Conjugation: Present Tense io pulo tu puli lui/lei pule noi puliamo voi pulite loro pulono Pulire Passato ProssimoThe passato prossimo of Pulire is formed by comb. It is a regular first-conjugation Italian verb all the way. When you conjugate it in a sentence, you reverse who is doing the liking and what is liked or doing the pleasing: the subject pronoun becomes an indirect object. I professori dovrebbero spiegare tutto nel dettagio, non essere concisi e dire sempre agli studenti di andare a casa e leggere i loro libri. Bere (to drink) Ex. Learn English. However, I really do want to convey the meaning of 'apologize', or to ask for forgiveness. "whether" expresses doubt or choices ("whether" esprime un dubbio o una scelta) He seemed undecided whether to go out. Grazie a tutti. Gli sviluppi in cui si può entrare per adattare all' intelletto dei fanciulli le spiegazioni date , si sono ommessi , perchè se ne potrà avere idea dal dialogo che precede. The Italian verb insegnare can mean teach, show, or point out. Dare Conjugation: Present Tense io do tu di lui/lei da noi diamo voi date loro dano Dare Passato ProssimoThe passato prossimo of Dare is formed by combining the. riddle, to solve, answer, or explicate a riddle or question. For negative and positive sentences, the modal is placed before the base form of the verb. Voice and photo translation, offline features, synonyms, conjugation, learning games. spiegare. Results: 140. The past gerund form is “avendo detto”. Subjunctive Present io spieghi tu spieghi lui/lei/Lei spieghi noi spieghiamo voi spieghiate loro spieghino Imperfect io spiegassi tu spiegassi lui/lei/Lei spiegasse noi spiegassimo voi spiegaste loro spiegassero Present Perfect Conjugate the Italian verb spiegare in several modes, tenses, voices, numbers, persons : indicative mode, subjunctive, imperative mood, conditional, participle form, gerund, present, past, future perfect, progressive. . noi avemmo spieg ato. t. Perhaps it is the right choice, then? If you are conviced of that, then use it. Essere Conjugation (To be) Avoids Conjugation (To have) Volere Conjugation (To want) Fare Conjugation (To do) Dire Conjugation (To say) Capire Conjugation (To understand) Sapere Conjugation (To know) Spiegare Conjugation (To expThe periphrastic future is formed with the present tense conjugation of the verb ir (to go), followed by the preposition a and the infinitive of the verb. Modals such as "will" and "should" are also included. The STANDS4 Network. unfurl, to unroll or release. Michael San Filippo. 2 segundos ago 0 0Where do you see yourself is ten per? Learn Italian tenses with ItalianPod101 to gain the skills you need for talk about the past, present, and future. In Spanish, the Indicative Present is known as "El Presente". The participio passato is “preso. Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200. spiegarsi ⇒ v rif. It is a regular first-conjugation Italian verb as well as a transitive verb (meaningPresent Tight Verb Unevenness #3: Adding G to Io press Loro Conjugations; Ex. Pulire is an Italian regular ire verb meaning to clean. sg. Spiegare Conjugation (To exp. devil rays jersey 2021; No worries. Start studying Italaian. Changes in the verb can be by way of inflections, changes in the spelling, usage of helping verbs and so on. The verb dimenticare means to forget, overlook, leave out or behind, or neglect. Saiba mais sobre as conjugações do verbo italiano spiegare. Capire means "to understand," "to realize," "to grasp," or "to admit. ( transitive) to explain, elucidate, expound, show, account, understand Synonyms: delucidare, illustrare, motivare, chiarire, dire, capire ( transitive) to unfold, spread, open out, lay out, unfurl Synonyms: distendere, aprire Antonym: piegare. It's also an intransitive verb, so it does not take a direct object. Try other tenses like the future or past and conjugate irregular verbs. Si tienes dificultades con la conjugación del verbo Spiegare, descubre nuestros cursos de italiano Saga Baldoria. Le verbe spiegare peut se conjuguer à la forme pronominale : spiegarsi. Let’s get started. Depending on the context, the single word in Italian can translate to English synonyms such as to toil and to drudge. All Italian verbs are conjugated corresponds to the subject (that is, the persons or people doing the action). " Its conjugation is mostly regular, although the pattern varies in the past participle, visto (seen), and the first-person singular present, veo (I see). We must explain to them in simple terms how it works. Spiegare Conjugation: To explain) Uscire Conjugation: To exit) Andare Conjugation: To go) Venire Conjugation: To come) Potere Conjugation: Can, to be able to) Dovere Conjugation: Must) Preferire Conjugation: To prefer) Bere Conjugation: To drink) Salire Conjugation: To go up) Rimanere Conjugation: To stay) Morire Conjugation:English Translation of “spiegarsi” | The official Collins Italian-English Dictionary online. In English, we have six different persons: first person singular (I), second person singular (you), third person singular (he/she/it/one), first person plural (we), second person plural (you), and third person plural (they). English confusables. spiegare explicar. Here are the conjugations in present and past, then some examples of the verb in use: andarsene = andare + si + ne [to go away] Andarsene in the presente. Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate. Advertising. Indicativo (Indicativo) Presente (Presente) io spiego tu spieghi lui spiega. 1. Here’s a quickness review: io — I. La spiegazione non è stata molto chiara. By using the word thin, the idea is that a person has no extra fat, but perhaps weighs less than they should. Synonym: spiegare; Conjugation [edit] Conjugation of motivàre (-are) (See Appendix:Italian verbs) infinitive: motivàre: auxiliary verb: avére: gerund: motivàndo: present participle: motivànte: past participle: motivàto: person singular plural first second third first second third indicative io tu lui/lei, esso/essa noi voi loro, essi/esseFacilitazione Grafica, Video e Animazione Abbiamo realizzato un video scribing per spiegare la filosofia collaborativa di Impact Hub. io ebbi spieg ato. If you unfurl something rolled or folded such as an umbrella, sail, or flag, you open it, so that it is spread out. Elapsed time: 146 ms. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Essere, avere, volere and more. This site allows the following functions: Conjugation of infinitive verb (eg: aimer) Verb spelling check. Updated on January 30, 2019. Lei — you (singular, formal) noi — wespiegare translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'siéger, spirale, sperme, sphère', examples, definition, conjugationIl traduttore trovò impossibile spiegare che cosa intendesse. ”. ”. "spiegare" conjugation. Here is how you form it. The participio passato is “detto”. Translate spiegare attraverso in context, with examples of use and definition. Regular firs-conjugation Italian verb. generos a: f. The future tense conjugations for the Italian verb spiegare , along with their English translations. Dire (to say)Another example is El agua le llegaba a las rodillas. “Parlare” can be defined as to speak or to talk. GERUND/GERUNDIO.